Read each and every post and page, watch every video and know what you are missing in life...


People are so much frustrated and depressed by masturbation, porn and sex so that I have to add another page for that.........
Cries of innocent people........I hope scientists,doctors and sexologists are listening
...Also there is joint pain in hands...
I am a 24 years old man, unmarried. I used to masturbate regularly or two times a day from the age of 16 onwards. Now, Ialmost stopped the habit recently. Now, I had developed tremor and shaking ofmy hands and cannot do any fine activities. Also there is joint pain in hands. Whatshould I do to cure the tremor of my hands? Is there any medicine that can curemy problem? I am very much tensed of my shaking hands and request you toprescribe urgent medicine to cure this. With regards.
 Rihankhan, India.

...masturbation is a killer...
There is only one real thing masturbation does to your life: it makes it so useless. I have been into it for like 8 years now and the consequences areso unpalatable: my social life is zero, can’t concentrate on nothing, loss of memory, thoughts of suicide or running away from home. I am presently in my final year at college and am finding it just to difficult to cope. I have lost almost all my friends too. Please, pass this message to whoever cares to hear: masturbation is a KILLER. It has almost killed me!
 Fola. Nigeria.

...I am currently suffering a lot...
I was 15 years old when I started masturbating, without realizing anything. I am currently suffering a lot of disadvantages from masturbation such as feeling pain in different parts of my body, losing memory and absolute sexual impotence. I don't know what to do, where to go. I want to control myself and want to recover my health. Whoever could read this message, please help and advice me if my problem has solution. Many Thanks, to all.
 Monish. Yemen.
...I have obsessive compulsive disorder and depression...
Like everybody else here I am fucked up by masturbation. I started masturbating when I was around 10 years old and have done it regularly about 3 times a week. Now, I am 25, and masturbation made me extremely anxious (I have obsessive compulsive disorder) and depression. It is all crazy. I am having an extremely hard time functioning. I have nothing but anxieties and suicidal thoughts. I am feeling nervous too without reason. My mind and emotions are fucked up by masturbation. So my goal now it just to have sex every 1 week. Masturbation is not an option now.
 Jimwell. Philippines.
I got this miserable habit since I was 11. And now, I am 29 and have not found a way to get rid off this habit... I never had sex with a woman but I think if ever any hot woman would touch me I would ejaculate and would be unable to do any sex further. The following day after masturbation is very miserable and uncomfortable for me. I feel brain weakness after masturbation. My nerves have become very weak that it has affected my autonomous respiration. As a result my muscle mass is low as compared to a 29 years old man. So much of my beard hairs have turned grey... What else I can say… I fear that if I would marry or when I would cohabit with a woman I would be able to hold my head high. I fear not. Parents should keep a close watch on their children and should tell them that such and such act is masturbation and such and such harm comes due to it. Ahmad. India.

...I am destroying myself...
Please help me... Hi I am Emma. I had written to you previously but I do not get any response confirming that you got my message. I started masturbating when I was 9 and now I am 19 and can't stop it. When I read your article I just felt that I am destroying myself. I tried to stop this thing several times but I failed. I need urgent help. I want to get rid of this vice. I was brilliant in science subjects until my high school days but now I started receiving C grades in my favorite subjects. My concentration become worse and I noticed huge memory damage too. I just want myself back. Please help me...
 Emma. India.
Masturbation is almost ruining my life now. I am 23 but look like 35 years old. All the side effects mentioned on your web page are all true (i.e. memory loss coming quickly, not socializing, constant fatigue). It is evil, it is very addictive and very hard to give up because my body enjoys it so much, my body craves for it like thirst. This habit takes all relief and happiness away. Sir, I cannot suicide, but I have no option… Please I need your help to stop this habit on time! It is a slow killer! Afghanistan. can I regain my lost of energy?...
I started off when I was 12 or 13. Now, I am 20 and single. I just wanted to know how can I stop this habit, how can I regain my lost of energy? My hands, knees and legs shake a lot; I have pain in my knees; I sleep a lot; I have no confidence; my brain cannot concentrate properly.
I addition my penis is bent toward left is that because of masturbation? Should I see a doctor? How do you deal with man boobs ( woman’s breast)? I am waiting for your reply.
 Rude. Canada.
It’s a silent killer. I can’t talk to girl’s faces and memory elapses. I wonder whether I will ever stop. Pray for me, guys. A friend.
...I am unable to satisfy my wife...
I am 38 years old and I am a married man. Due to excessive masturbation before marriage, i.e. before 2001, now I am unable to satisfy my wife because of weak erection and early ejaculation.
 Zahid. Pakistan.
...Masturbation has ruined my life...
My name is Adnan, I was 11 when I started masturbating and now, I am 15. I am experiencing severe cases of memory loss, lack of concentration, confusion. I was so bright and smart when I was younger, but now I have no self-esteem, and absolutely no confidence. I haven't been developing properly due to this, and I am very short, and have week vision. My penis cannot stay erect. Please someone help me. Masturbation has ruined my life, all I want to do is stop, grow tall and reverse these terrible effects.
 Anil. India.
...I am lacking of erection...
I am 23 years old, masturbating since 11. I am lacking of erection and no interest towards sex.
 Prabhat. India.
...I can no longer have sex with any girl...
Masturbation is a deadly disease that is capable of condemning ones life. I have been masturbating since 3 years now. I use to be the most brilliant boy but now I have lost my memory, I have grown pains, lean and now I can no longer have sex with any girl. I am completely dead. I advise every body to try as much to stop it.
 John from Federal Republic of Nigeria.
...If you want to success, do not masturbate...
I discovered this fantasy at the age of puberty when I was 16 and I am still doing it at the age of 27. If I had spent my precious time doing something more important I would have been a great successful person now. However, now I am a pathetic loser. I don't have a life, no girlfriend, no friends, no job, no nothing. All I have are the symptoms of my stupid little habit, which are: memory loss and very poor concentration, fatigue all the time, muscle cramp in legs and arms, short body, short and thin penis, lack of sleep, semen leakage, pain in testicles and abdomen, poor eye sight, fuzzy vision and eye floaters, back pain, shoulder pain, thin sperm, falling and thinning hair, weak bones, lack of interest in anything, guilt and shame, regret, depression, low self esteem and poor confidence to name but a few, although the list is too long the western scientists and doctors chat bulls shit that its perfectly fine to do it every now and again and it helps you keep healthy and learn the pleasure of sex. But trust me, I am a living experienced addict and I know what it is like to have the symptoms of over-masturbation and sexual exhaustion. They support the idea that it is harmless only to promote and encourage the use of pornography, which is a multibillion business. Every day hundreds and millions of videos are produced for fools like me who spend their money and waste their precious life for a few moments of pleasure. Trust me all my brothers who are reading this: I am now a living dead. I only eat, sleep and walk and that's it. I'm not capable of doing nothing. But if you want to success, do not masturbate. Good luck to everybody.
 Adrian. Poland. hair has gone thin because of masturbation...
Thank you very much on the information you have sent me. It will help me to recover from this evil habit. How long will it take for me to recover? Can I have normal sex with my wife during this recovery period or cannot have sex at all? Please, can you help me with this question? One more thing, my hair has gone thin because of masturbation. Will my hair go back to normal once my body starts recovering? Thank you once again.
 Nadeem. Ukraine.
...Masturbation is a suicide and it is a DEATH TO THE BRAINI have been masturbating since those days when it used to cum up dry. Now I am 28, I masturbated throughout my life and now the result is that I am a man living with a DEATH BRAIN!! Masturbation has done me so bad in terms of:
Short Term and Long term Memory Loss
Lack of Concentration
Lack of focus
Lack of ability of thinking
Impaired Problem Solving skills
Impaired Decision making Skills
 Shatex. Pakistan.
...I was a victim of porno movies...
I am 25 years old. I was a victim of porno movies since long time ago. I am impotent and know that this is psychological. I have erections if I talk about erotic topics during the day, but in the night during the sexual act I cannot accomplish the erection. I wish to have your help. I gave up masturbation few days ago. How long should I maintain in this way to recover my sexual energy and be able to have authentic sexual relationships? I hope that everything is not lost. Thanks in advance and I wait for your prompt response.
 Nassim. France.
...I am a masturbation addict...
Hello, my name is Angel, I am 22 years old and I am a masturbation addict. It was a game before but now it is more than that. I have tried to quit but I haven't been able to do it. I don't know what I am going to do. I am embarrassed to share this with someone, I have been masturbating for 10 years, I want to quit but I don't have the necessary willpower, anxiety is greater and greater. Whenever I have a porn magazine, I don't know what happens to me, I have to find a place immediately to satisfy that powerful desire. I really want to quit but I can't. I don't know how I found this page, but I hope that someone who had this problem in the past can help me. I don't know what to do with my life. Sex with women are not as pleasant as before. The truth is, I don't know what to do. Please help me. Thanks.
 Angel. Ecuador. 

...I am sick due to pornography...
I am a nice young man, attractive, but I have never had a girlfriend by myself. I have had to be conquered  by all my girlfriends. I have never had sex in spite of my physical appearance. When I was a child at age 5 years, I saw an uncle watching pornography, and I am obsessed with masturbation and pornography since then. I had my first sexual relation this year (age 22) but it was with a prostitute, I felt that having sex with a family woman was complicated. I never wanted having sex before because I was happy with masturbation. When I had sex with the prostitute I had concentration problems, because I had erection difficulty. I didn't feel pleasure during the intercourse, my mind was in the porn movie I had watched minutes before.I have reasoning problems and I am very shy. But there is an inner voice that is always telling me that masturbation is healthy. I am nuts. Help me, this is a matter of life and death, of  sanity and insanity.
 Ronald. Colombia

...I just want to watch pornography...
Hello! My case: I started masturbation at age 14, I am currently 30, I am in college and I am about to finish business administration. I feel very bad, due to masturbation: I feel like a dumb, empty, insecure. I just want to watch pornography. I want to surf the web and masturbate. I suffer with stress, my neck hurts, I have lost weight, I am 1.62 meters and 121 lbs. l want you to help me to quit masturbation for ever. What should I do? I had a girlfriend but I had to break up with her due to my insecurity. Please, I will be waiting for your answer. Thank you.
 Edgar from Perú.

...My husband is obsessed with pornography...
Hello, I am just married and I have a big problem: My husband is obsessed with pornography and masturbation. I have spoken with him about it, but it is normal for him. I have told him that his behavior affects our relation. I  always have to start, I always have to look for him to make love as he is used to pleasing himself. I feel frustrated as a woman, I feel that my husband doesn't want me. He has told me that he will never stop masturbating because he has done it all his life. Concerning pornography, he is obsessed with it, he has even asked me to have sex with another woman. I am desperate. I don't want to have to get divorced from him. Please i need advice.
 Viviana from US.

...he also watches pornography...
I am 27 years old and married 3 years ago, my husband is 39. I know that he masturbates. How can this be possible if I am sexy, with a great body and younger than he is? He has destroyed me emotionally and I can't get over it, he also watches pornography. He masturbates instead of having sex with me. He says it is easier. It can be easier but nonsense. Please, I need your advice! Tell me, what can I do to make him stop masturbating and look for me?
 Flor. Uruguay 
I am dying gradually. I started this evil habit when I was barely out of high school, about 18 years then. Now I am 25 and I am dying, I've in and out of several hospitals but no one could help me because they never knew and I also never knew my complicated problems were caused by masturbation. I'm in the university and can barely focus on my studies, I forget things easily. Please I need your help, I never knew what I was doing had side effects. I have researched this several times on Goggle but got no good results, only people praising it. Please help me. Emmanuel. Nigeria. can I recover from the sickness..
I have a lot of health problems like intense weakness, my joints and legs are very weak, constant dizziness, dry eyes, my brains are not working well. I lack of coordination. I am always nervous. So I am asking if I can recover from this long lasting (for almost 9 years) situation, and how can I recover from the sickness. Shawn. Antigua and Barbuda. health is in very devastating stage...
Due to OM I have ED, weakness in my body, I cannot do simple work, when I masturbate I sleep a lot during the entire day. I am not able to concentrate on my studies. I am loosing my confidence... I have tried to control it but it has been only a dream. I am in a depression. When I masturbate at the end I feel something that has been released from my brain and headache starts... Please, help me. I cannot tell this to my friends. Also, my health is in very devastating stage... I thought I was doing great to my society but due to these things… I am crying alone... alone... Please help me... Sandeep. India.
...Masturbation has ruined my life..
My name is Adnan, I was 11 when I started masturbating and now, I am 15. I am experiencing severe cases of memory loss, lack of concentration, confusion. I was so bright and smart when I was younger, but now I have no self-esteem, and absolutely no confidence. I haven't been developing properly due to this, and I am very short, and have week vision. My penis cannot stay erect. Please someone help me. Masturbation has ruined my life, all I want to do is stop, grow tall and reverse these terrible effects. Adnan, Canada. weak immediately after doing it..
I will really appreciate if you can help me get out of this deadly situation. I started masturbating about 3 years ago up till now and I have started seeing all the side effect now. The worst part of it is that when I ever masturbate I will start feeling sick and so weak immediately after doing it. Yet, I just cannot stop doing it and am very scared that it might make me impotence. Please, I really need help to get out of this. Thanks. I hope to hear from you soony. Stephen. Ghana.
...I am getting worse day by day..
I am 23 years old and I have been masturbating for around 10 years. I started facing some problems 2 years ago and since then I am getting worse day by day. I always had problems managing my stress level and that is the reason I started masturbating in the first place. I seriously started trying to quit masturbation 2 months ago. By now I have succeeded only in reducing its frequency. Now, I usually do it after 15 or 20 days; but I am trying and I am sure that I will quit doing it completely soon. Can you guide me how can I recover completely from all the ill effects of masturbation? Following are my symptoms: Weak erections (even if I get one, it doesn’t last long). thin semen, weak orgasms, weak joints (knees, elbows, jaw - I often hear cracking sounds in my joints), pain in neck & lower back, pain in my shoulder bones & ribs when i wake up in the morning, weakness in pelvic region, insomnia, concentration problems (i feel sleepy all the time and cant focus), depression & anxiety.
NOTE: All the tests that doctors prescribed to me are normal.
I know that I am having a lot of problems at the moment and I do realize that the recovery process might take at least a year or two but it would be really nice if I get the much needed guidance like what diet pattern should I adopt? Will working out daily help my case? What about meditation, yoga and breathing exercises? I really need some help. Please, guide me. Thanks in advance.
 Troubled. United States.
... I am feeling very weak..
Sir, I have stopped masturbating. I was doing it for the last 5-6 years. Now, I am feeling very weak and many other symptoms (I am seeing the same symptoms as specified in your webpage). Because of this, I just want you to make me know steps of how to regain my lost energy... I will be very grateful to you sir. Yours truly. Rohit. India.
...Now I want to stop but I can't..
I have been masturbating since I was 11. My hands shake, I have pimples and my veins on the hands are thick. Is it because of masturbation? Now I want to stop but I can't, tell me some way to do so. I have been masturbating a lot since 11 years old and I am 25 now. I always wondered why I feel slower and weaker than I used to. Can I ever be 100% again? How long will it take to reverse the damage? Or is it irreversible? What can I do to minimize the side effects? Also now I use to cum too early not even the full erection is achieved and sperms shot out. Please, help me out. Zubair. India.
...I am facing many problems..
I am 20 years old. I have been masturbating since I was 13. Now, I am facing many problems like memory lost, pain in my legs and hands. I am unable to do much physical work. I have very low concentration in my studies. I want to recover from these things. Please, tell me how can I recover from it and how long will my body take to recover. I am pure vegetarian so please tell me what food I can take that will help my health. I also don't eat egg. Please, help me. Rohit. India.
...can't afford..
I've been practicing masturbation from age 24 and I got married but actually can't afford because of the premature ejaculation. I searched advices through the net, took also a lot of herbal medicines from the traditional-physician but in vain. I think you'll help me out. I am searching for an adequate solution to satisfy my wife in sexual matters. Otherwise she's running away from me in the night to search for other men who can do it better for her and therefore we're going to divorce soon. I will sign up in your site and I know you'll help me.Johnson. Kongo.
...I don’t get erection...
Hey I am almost 17 and need help. I have been masturbating since I was 12 or 13 years once a day some times twice I stopped it completely last weak because I saw lose and weak erection. I used to be tired and won’t be able to sleep. I don’t get erection any more when any hot or sexy girls passes by or when I mentally think about sex... will stopping masturbation help me recovering my damage penis completely or not? Please, help me thank you. Ele. United States.
...I felt everything you said...
I masturbate since I was 3 years old. I felt everything you said, tiredness, loss of intellectual faculties, low in moral values. I locked up into myself, lack of interest in the opposite sex, frigidity. This is terrible. Help me! I have an exam to prepare in June. Adama. Senegal.
...My life is destroyed...
I have started masturbation when I was 10 years old and continued till the age of 18. I used to masturbate daily. Now, I am 19 and it has been a year that I have left it and I have a lot of health problems, like nervous system, psychological problems, weakness, pain all over then body, weak eyesight and much more. I have done my high school but I cannot study further due to the problems that I have! My life is destroyed. Now, I cannot do anything, like study, work or any other small thing! I am completely different from all the other human beings around me, my way of living, talking, thinking and everything is completely different! I am fed up of this life! How should I recover completely? I hope you answer me soon! Thank you. Abdulaziz. Kuwait.
...I am getting ugly day by day...
Hi, I am 17 now and I have been starting masturbating since I was 13. Now, I am getting ugly day by day. I am very tense for this thing. Also, I am having pimples now on my face it seems very bad and my color is pale and dull. Can you please suggest me how to recover myself again. I would be very thankful to you for your greatness. Durry. Afghanistan. brain is almost dead...
I was so furious when I saw somewhere on the net that masturbation is healthy and normal considering what it has done to me. I was a very handsome and bright child and had so much promise for the future. Even though I still have my looks, my brain is almost dead. Thank God I still have something to see me through college but when I look back and see how much I have lost intellectually through masturbation I wish I could be reborn. Your web-page has saved my life. Richie. Ghana.
...I have memory loss...
I am 25, and I was doing masturbation for the past 15 months. Now I have memory loss, like what I am doing and forget about what is going on around me. I am also feeling constant fatigue. Can anyone help me? What can I do? Ram. India.
...I am facing problems...
I was 12 when started masturbating and now, every time I think of sex I release sperm within 5 seconds. Now, I am facing problems like back pain, loss of eyesight, memory loss and skin problems. I am loosing concentration and feeling like I am getting older. Now, I am 17 and want to recover completely. Please, suggest me some method. Shubham. India.
...Please help me...
Hello Sir. I am a 23 old guy, habitual of masturbation since i was 12yr. Now i am in deep trouble, suffering from wet dreams, physical weakness etc. Please help me. Amit. India.
...I am having many physical unwanted changes...
I am practicing it since 10 years and now I want to leave it because I am having many physical unwanted changes. Previously I was very smart and was among top students in the class and now I am nothing. I am losing my hair, I am obese, small breasts, face glow has gone, eye floating, unable to do physical work and evil thoughts… I want to leave it Please, help me. Ash. India.
...I was a brilliant student...
I have the same problem about the masturbating. I started by doing it at 11 or 12. Now, at the age of 18, I have realized that I am losing my memory. I was a brilliant student but now, I have become a normal student because of my memory problems. Please, tell me if I can regain my memory and how to stop to masturbating. Thank you. Aquib. Austria.
...I am just 21 but I look like around 28...
Hello sir. I am in a big trouble. I started masturbation when I was around 13 or 14. I was very athletic and energetic when first I started it out… and it was all ok till I was 17 but soon after I started I gained weight… my as got bigger… my face got broad... my hair is getting loss... I doesn’t get any erection seeing any women or by touching her. It does when I give a jerk... I feel tired all the time... I sleep a lot I am just 21 but I look like around 28... sometime I feel like committing suicide. I am very guilty of myself. Please, help me out sir... I don’t masturbate anymore. Usman. India.
. I discovered this fantasy at the age of puberty when I was 16 and I am still doing it at the age of 27. If I had spent my precious time doing something more important I would have been a great successful person now. However, now I am a pathetic loser. I don't have a life, no girlfriend, no friends, no job, no nothing. All I have are the symptoms of my stupid little habit, which are: memory loss and very poor concentration, fatigue all the time, muscle cramp in legs and arms, short body, short and thin penis, lack of sleep, semen leakage, pain in testicles and abdomen, poor eye sight, fuzzy vision and eye floaters, back pain, shoulder pain, thin sperm, falling and thinning hair, weak bones, lack of interest in anything, guilt and shame, regret, depression, low self esteem and poor confidence to name but a few, although the list is too long the western scientists and doctors chat bulls shit that its perfectly fine to do it every now and again and it helps you keep healthy and learn the pleasure of sex. But trust me, I am a living experienced addict and I know what it is like to have the symptoms of over-masturbation and sexual exhaustion. They support the idea that it is harmless only to promote and encourage the use of pornography, which is a multibillion business. Every day hundreds and millions of videos are produced for fools like me who spend their money and waste their precious life for a few moments of pleasure. Trust me all my brothers who are reading this: I am now a living dead. I only eat, sleep and walk and that's it. I'm not capable of doing nothing. But if you want to success, do not masturbate. Good luck to everybody. A friend. England does one recover...
I was wondering how does one recover from a more serious case of over-masturbation. Where lean muscle loss, dry eyes, insomnia, nervousness, etc. continuously occur, and looks like it could significantly impair his ability to see or even walk. Are there any resources or persons with experience with it that can be contacted? Ever. USA condition is deteriorating day by day...
Thank you for replying. I have read your email and took the information. I stopped masturbating a year ago but the side affects started about 8 months ago till now, which are: losing inner strength, my body has gone weak, my organs feel really weak (i.e. food isn't getting properly digested, pain around different parts of organs). My sleeping pattern is messed up, I have heart and chest pain, my arms and legs sometimes fall asleep. Overall, my condition is deteriorating day by day. I am losing weight and my skin color is slightly changing. Last week I felt really scared. I thought I was going to die. I went to the doctor and told him the situation and he did check ups, blood tests etc. and he said there is nothing wrong with me but I know what is going on inside of me. What should I do? Mohammed. United Kingdom
... It is a slow killer!...
Masturbation is almost ruining my life now. I never thought it had so much bad effects on the whole body. All the side effects mentioned on your web page are all true (i.e. memory loss coming quickly, not socializing, constant fatigue). I tell everyone to get rid off this habit, it is evil, it is very addictive and very hard to give up because your body enjoys it so much, your body craves for it like thirst, please I need your help to stop this habit on time! It is a slow killer! Mathew. United Kingdom
... I was a brilliant student but now...
I have the same problem about the masturbating. I started by doing it at 11 or 12. Now, at the age of 18, I have realized that I am losing my memory. I was a brilliant student but now, I have become a normal student because of my memory problems. Please, tell me if I can regain my memory and how to stop to masturbating. Thank you. Me. Pakistan
... I do not get an erection anymore with a girl...
I am 20 and I have been masturbating since 14. Now, I am 20... I have lost a lot of weight and my hair started to fall out when I wash it. I do not get an erection anymore with a girl... Please, help me. I am relying on you. How do I gain my weight back, my arms have turned really thin. How do I stop my hair from falling out? How do I treat this impotence? Ali. United Kingdom me to leave this labyrinth...
I am a 23-years old. When I was 15 years old I had started masturbating, without realizing the outcomes. And now, I am addicted to it I think, I cannot control myself more than a week to does not to masturbate. Please, help me to leave this labyrinth I feel in, please tell me the solution of this problem. Thanks. Marcus. United States
Life becomes hell if you do it. I remember friends telling me that it is scientifically proven to be safe. I began at around 6 years old. Of course, semen started coming out at 13.Now I am 20. On an average I did it once a day, occasionally twice/thrice. In short, I have the following problems because of this addiction
My dick doesn't stand anymore. If it does, erection lasts for only fifteen seconds. I sometimes have to jerk off using half of my palm, as it won't stand even while masturbation.
My hands, legs, cheeks, etc tremble horribly, especially in a panic situation. I have panic attacks. It's embarrassing.
I cannot study. I cannot concentrate anymore. I am always tired. I tried stopping it in teen years, but with no avail.
I have got various mental diseases. Now, I am depressed.
That's because I can't study, approach women or even talk to them, let alone be able to fuck them.
Even if I would get some success stopping it, I'm afraid I could become some rapist/sexual predator. So I don't even try to stop this self-deteriorating habit.
I have noticed my body showing strange feminine patterns like small breasts, big as. That's because of patterns in my brain, which are affected due to over masturbation. It affects your hormones, for sure.
I have pain in my lower back, knee, arm, joints, etc. I am not as agile as I was earlier.
I have no confidence in myself, so I keep failing. I feel helpless and pathetic. Help me, please!
 Addict. India
How long do i need to recover from the masturbation disease and can i have sex in the mean time? and will i ever stop comming so quick after i got my body so use to masturbating? and will my memory get better if i doo. I know i am asking a lot of questions but i really need your help. I am so grateful i found you guys. Thanks a lot. Adam. Israel
...the problem is masturbation...
I am 22 right now. I started masturbating when I was 12. Everything was fine until 16. After that, I started loosing stamina, eyesight, memory, muscles, hair and so on. I masturbated about fifteen times per week. I am 22 and I look like I am close to 30. My memory is gone just as my engineering has dropped. My lower jaw and face has widened and my bones are seriously thin. I have a lot of fat around my belly but nothing on my chest. My chest and my face are equally wide. My hair has lost to about one-fifth. Headaches are a daily routine. I have consulted many doctors and done innumerable sonography of my body but doctor’s say everything is fine. So the problem is masturbation.Ken. India
... I am totally shattered...
I have been masturbating for the last 8 years and now I am totally shattered. I tried a lot but could not give it up... I am in total despair because my memory has gone very much down and I am very weak and look very thin. My hands and legs are shaky. Please, give me some medical as well as any suggestion to overcome this. This habit has shattered me all the dreams. Let me know how to improve my memory power. I had a very good memory but now it has gone.
 Shikhar. India
... Sir, I am facing a very huge problem...
 I have practiced excessive masturbation. Now, I am facing the problem of memory loss, pain in my legs, hair loss and depression. Please, tell me if I can regain my lost energy and my memory by avoiding masturbation. I would be very grateful to you, for your reply. Prajwal. India 
... I have a very big problem...
I am Sadiq. I have a very big problem, and I need your help, I started performing masturbation when I was 12 years, and now my age is 18 years. This phenomenon caused a lot of things to me. It affected the development of my brain. It caused the loss of my memory. I forget any thing and any information, and this forgetting affects in my education, so the other disadvantages is the physical exhaustion, and the loss of vitality, I sleep too much, and I fall exhausted easily every day. Please, I want to ask you, if I stopped performing masturbation, the memory will become normal or I will continue in forgetting like now? And also, how do I recover my vitality? Are there any prevention to resume my strong memory, and my vitality or not? I need so much your help. Thank you very much and have a good day. And if yes then how much time would it take? Please, help me. Pakistan 
...This practice made me impotent...
I am a 25-year-old young man and I masturbate since I was 20. This practice made me impotent. I have a firm resolution to leave it, however, I don't know how to cure this evil so that I can live a good sexual life with a women. I'll inform you that I cannot have a normal erection and I have lost all nocturnal erection. I cannot be with a girl. I suffer from this for many years. So tell me, then, Can this be cured? I count on you. Thank you in advancePétanhangui.  Ivory Coast  
My husband thinks I haven't realised...
I would like to know why my husband who is 38 years old and 10 years married with me has been masturbating all this year. He thinks I haven't realised, but this has been terrible for me; in fact, I feel I don't love him anymore and when he tries to have sex with me, I turn him down. I haven't had the chance to talk to anyone about this. Please, guide me or help me to understand this situation. Thanks.
 Luz from Colombia
I can't be alone, because that is the first that comes to my mind...
Hello! I am a Christian and this is my story: When I was about 12 years old, some friends from the block invited me to see the porn Chanel, in there, some of them where masturbating and from that moment my ordeal started.
I have the same problems with masturbation as many. I can't be alone because the first thing that comes to my mind is masturbation.
I have prayed to God, I have done my best. I want to get rid of this as soon as possible. I need help, I need you to pray a lot for me. I just want to serve God with all my power but this vice doesn't permit me to do it. I hope you can help me with this. Please, God bless you very much.
 Andy from Dominican Republic. 
...I am 21 and I feel like I am 40...
My name is Adam. I am 21 and I have a problem: I love to jerk off when ever I get the chance. It has been about 8 years. Now I feel weak and old. I have no confident in myself. I cannot talk to a girl without getting shy and not knowing what to say. I am 21 and I feel like I am 40. I have black bags under my eyes and I have the worst memory... I saw your site and like to see what you have to say... How long do i need to recover from the masturbation disease and can i have sex in the mean time? and will i ever stop coming so quick after i got my body so use to masturbating? and will my memory get better if i doo... I know i am asking a lot of questions but i really need your help. I am so grateful i found you guys. Thanks a lot.
...What can I do now?...
I have been masturbating for 3 years. Now I think that my memory power has reduced and my hands and legs are shaky. Also, I feel shy to talk to others. What can I do now?
 Arun. India

...I have lots of problems...
I have been masturbating since I was 18 years. Now, I am 30 and unmarried, but still addict of this. Now, I have lots of problems regarding my mental and sexual health. I am very weak and look aged as compare to other of my age. My half of beard comes grey, which usually starts grey in age of 40 here. I have no control on myself, it means whenever I even think about sex or talk with a girl, drops of semen comes out. I am a patient of spermatorrhoea for the last 6 years. It is totally out of control. I got erection but for very small time. Also, I am facing premature ejaculation, weak memory and lots of other problems as you know which may comes due to after such long time of masturbating. My question regarding the above situation is: Is there any way to quit this bad habit and regain my lost energy and get rid of all my above problems and be able to start marriage life.
 Rahul. India.
It was very hard to stop...
hello! how are you! I found this page just by chance when I was looking for information about masturbation. I am so lucky to have found it and very thankful.
When I started looking for information I was not feeling well and I felt it was for this vice.
I had headaches, I was tired, sleepy, anxious, shy, insecure and I could no control my nerves. I was scared. Perhaps somebody is feeling like me. I started with this vice at 14 and I am 22 now. It was not easy, I fell down a lot but get up again.
My life changed and I fell better now with myself. After a while I felt energetic, secure , I weighed 10 kilos more, I was thin before, I wanted to recover from that. I started to eat well, doing exercises, I grow up 15cm more. Now I feel confidence to talk to women, I have more friends. It was very hard for me, but I managed and you can do too. If you have pornography, throw it out, do not keep it, do not hide it.

Julian, Mexico.

How I re-gain my lost Energy?
Hello I have been masturbating since I was 18 years. Now, I am 30 and unmarried. But still addict of this. Now, I have lots of problems regarding my mental and sexual health. I am very weak and look aged as compare to other of my age. My half of beard comes grey which usually starts grey in age of 40 here. I have no control on myself, it means whenever I even think about sex or talk with a girl , drops of semen comes out. I am a patient of spermatorrea for last 6 years. It is totally out of control. I got erection but for very small time. And I am facing premature ejeculation, weak memory and lots of other problems as you know which may comes due to after such long time of masturbating. My question regarding the above situation is:  Is there any way to quit this bad habit and regain my lost energy and get rid of all my above problems and be able to start marriage life
Benjamen from Nigeria.

I don't have an erection...
I started masturbating at the age of 13 and I thought I got pleasure but now I suffer the consequences, now i don't have an erection. 
From Vilakazi Swaziland. 

And I am facing premature ejaculation, weak memory and lots of other problems...
How I re-gain my lost Energy? Hello I have been masturbating since I was 18 years. Now, I am 30 and unmarried. But still addict of this. Now, I have lots of problems regarding my mental and sexual health. I am very weak and look aged as compare to other of my age. My half of beard comes grey which usually starts grey in age of 40 here. I have no control on myself, it means whenever I even think about sex or talk with a girl , drops of semen comes out. I am a patient of spermatorrea for last 6 years. It is totally out of control. I got erection but for very small time. And I am facing premature ejaculation, weak memory and lots of other problems as you know which may comes due to after such long time of masturbating. My question regarding the above situation is: Is there any way to quit this bad habit and regain my lost energy and get rid of all my above problems and be able to start marriage life?

Benjamen from Niger. 

I have been masturbating since I was about 8...
I'm going to be 16 this June. Could you tell me how much have I have lost and how much can I recover? I have a bad memory now, I have acne all over my face and even though I have a strong built I lose out to guys in arm wrestling who are a lot thinner than me. 
Asnad from Panama.  

I was masturbating frequently from the age of 15 and still I can't stop. 
Now, I face lots of problems in my life. I ejaculate within seconds or even at the time of entering. Is this due to over masturbation? My erection is very weak and no hardness on penis after erection. My testicles are very small and hanging loose always. I have always leakage of precum from my penis. Pain in the groin, a buzzing noise in the ears, incontinence, fuzzy vision, cramps in the lower back and pain in the tailbone, stress, anxiety, fatigue, depression, loss of hair.
Beni from Ghana.

I used to be very young before masturbating. And now, while I am only 21, I look about 35...
People just look at me and make fun of me(and they do tell that I masturbate, which is absolutely true). So,I want to stop it and not begin again, I try and I just can't stop it. It's like something I can't live without. I want to be free from it. My question is: Is there really something I could do, first of all to stop it?
Then, what sould I do to get back to normal? I feel very embarrassed walking on the streets. So, please I REALLY NEED AN ANSWER.
Edward from US.

I have recently noticed some mental consequences...
I am 22, since I was about 12 I started masturbating the average of about once a week, and now my family is out of the country for about 3 months ago, I masturbate like once every 3 days. I actually stay up masturbating to the midnight watching porn channels, I just can't help it, I give promises to myself to keep not see these channels but it just doesn't work, it begins with a small bugging idea that ends up by me stroking my penis…!! I have recently noticed some mental consequences like I mislay things; I hide money or important things somewhere and then after, I forget where I did!! Physically, I find it exhausting to go up the stairs and when walking with my friends I am just slower and can't catch up along with them. I am wondering whether it's true that some guys who often masturbates just can't please their partners ?!!!!! I was told that some of them guys masturbate a lot, when they marry, they just leave their wives waiting in bed ready for them and they head to the bath to masturbate ?!!!
I don't really want my wife to go looking for somebody else to please her and give her what I just can't….that sucks for real!! Hope to hear from you soon….thank you so much
Zacarias from Morocco. 
I am in despair... 
I have problem with erection and therefore I am afraid to have an intercourse with women. I am 30 now and I masturbate since I was 12. I tried to stop so many times that lost the count. Please help me. I feel so alone and sad. Recently I started thinking about comitting suicide. This vice takes so much of my time and energy, but I just can't control it. Sometimes I somehow manage to stop it for a week when I travel, but when I'm back home it takes over. I am in despair - I am aware that because of this I lose a lot and I'm wasting the precious time. Help me!!!
Julio from Poland
My girlfriend discovered...
I am one more victim of masturbation... I stimulated myself while watching porn and to be honest I feel dirty... my girlfriend recently discovered the porn I see and I felt like the most repugnant human being on Earth... 
When I am with a woman, it is almost impossible for me to ejaculate... I have been able to do it a few times, contrary to the cases of premature ejaculation that there are on your testimonies section...
I want to know if this is the result of my masturbating almost everyday since I was 13... I am 19 now...
How much have I lost?, can I recover it? I am very willing to give up this vice...
Waiting for your answer. Thanks.
I now have premature ejaculation...
I am 20 now and I've been masturbating since 9 years old. I now have premature ejaculation problem with women. I used to masturbate every day, but now in the past few months I've been able to cut it down to two or three times a week. Please tell me if there's any way to get back what I have lost due to masturbation! I feel weak, and insecure. If I am able to stop masturbating forever now, will I gain anything back that I have lost?
Blake from Usa.

...he denies that he masturbates a lot but he does...
We've been married for 7 years we have 2 boys 5 year old and 1 year old, he denies that he masturbates a lot but he does and there's no way i can convince him not to, last time he couldn't even get it erect, he watches a lot of porn and loves being alone for days, i am destroyed emotionally and physically i am 35 and he is my age, can't find a solution and i love him can't leave him he's getting sicker by the day, please help me i am suffering and losing weight everyday, our sexual relationship is nil now. please e-mail me.
Natalie from Estonie. affected the development of my brain...
Hello! I am Nadia, I have a very big problem, and I need your help, I started performing masturbation when I was 12 years, and now my age is 18 years, this phenomenon caused a lot of things to me, it affected the development of my brain, it caused the loss of my memory, I forget any thing and any information, and this forgeting affects in my education, so the other desadvantages is the physical exhaustion, and the loss of vitality, I sleep to much , and I fall exhausted easily every day, please I want to ask you, if I stopped performing masturbation, the memory will become normal or I continue in forgeting like now? and also about the vitality? there are any prevention to resume my strong memory, and my vitality or not?, I need so much your help , thank you very much and good day.

I thought it was good for me as a boy...
I’m 16 years old; I was 13 since I started masturbating. I thought it was good for me as a boy, as time passed by I discovered that it was not good for me. I became insecure to my self, because when I was in first year high school I was the most good looking boy in our class and the most intelligent boy, but I have observed the changes when I keep on doing that thing (mentally and physically), since I am using my right arm, it has become weak and I can’t move it properly and I think some of the parts are dislocated, I have compared it with my left and I’m not comfortable, and my body is not good anymore and I can’t move my feet well, and my face isn’t good looking anymore, mentally I have become a bit insane my classmates tease me that I’m an addict, and I can’t socialize with people anymore so I keep staying in our house and I become depressed about all the things that happen to me even small things...since I’m 15 and until now a friend advice me to stop doing that masturbation but I have still been doing it even that I have strong will...and also I’m worried about my organ. I think it isn’t working properly; I’m worried that it may be difficult to have a child when I got married or there will be abnormalities. When I read some articles on your website there are also people with the same cases like is there any possibility that my body will back to normal and also the lost energy in my body???...I hope that I will receive your personal advices… Please, give the best so I will be encouraged not to do it anymore...thanks.
Joe from Philippines

...a brief question...
I want to ask a brief question about masturbation, the question is: If I stop performing masturbation, the sexual acts with the husband will become normal?
Thank you, very much.
Nadia. Morocco

How often should one undertake sexual intercourse?
So, basically what you are saying is that no one should ever masturbate, and by not masturbating, you will obtain a much more healthy mind and body. So, how often should one undertake sexual intercourse, in order to maintain maximum strength? Also, I was reading on the internet about 12 months ago about this penis enlargement process called \"Jelqing\" I undertook the process for about 3/4 months and I don't know if it had an effect on the size of my penis, but after stopping the exercise, I thought that I had a less impotent erection than before. Anyhow, I told some of my mates and they basically told the whole school about this. The rumours have stopped now but ever since I have been thinking about it and can't get it off my head. And because of this, everytime I think of my penis and so on, it goes all cold and tense and my testicles shrivel a little. Even though my erection is back to its normal state now I still have this problem praying on the back of my mind and so everytime I think about it, my penis still goes all tense and cold and my testicles still shrivel a little. I really don't know how to overcome this thought and would like to know if you have ever heard about anything like this before and how I could go about going getting rid of this thought? After reading your site I have decided not to ever masturbate again. Thanks a lot, and please reply,
Dave from United Kingdom.
...he is becoming a gay...
I have a cousin who had the same problem as me, he is 18 years old, he also masturbates, until now, the problem is that he is becoming a gay and this is affecting his feelings with the oposite sex and he believes that it is because of that bad habit. He began having crush with same sex and he really doesn't like this feeling. He feels unusual. His body seems like a woman one and because of that, he always stays at there house, he wants to get friends with others but he always had that feeling. Because of that, he was always depressed and the way he looks is different. Sometimes he tells me that he attempted suicide because sometimes he feels rejection to women. He wants to ask if there is a chance to change that kind of personality if he stops masturbation? Because I notice that he wants to change the kind of personality he has… 
Joe from Philippines.
I am now married but I still do it!
I have been masturbating since I was 20. Now I am 31 and addicted to it. I feel so dirty and each time I masturbate. I am now married but I still do it!! I have battled with it for long and I know I am harming myself. What can I do to ensure that I can still have my babies and stop this sinful act?
Emeka from Niger average of 5 times per day...
Sir, now I am 35 years old. Since age of 13 years I am masturbating till today. At an average of 5 times per day totally. I am addicted and depressed. I can't work spending whole day in sex related photo and articles in theatres, too.
I have consulted 6 different doctors and taken medication spending lots of money since 12 years but no use. My life is completely spoiled. I have no dare to commit suicide.
Please help me and save my life if possible making me free from depression and masturbation which is more than billions of money. Help. Thank you, Sir.
Kiran from England.

I wish to masturbate with a person of same gender...
I am a 18-year adolescent, when I am alone at home it comes to my mind the idea of masturbating seeing porn magazines.
Most of the times I do it every 4 days and after doing it I feel tired and depressed; besides, when I feel alone, I wish to masturbate with a person of same gender in order to see his genitals.
I want you to help me to give up this vice so I could live happier.
Dinesh from England.

I have been doing it since I was 14...
I am also a frequent masturbator. Worse still I wore a skirt to masturbate. Can you tell me what to do to solve this problem? I have been doing it since I was 14 and now I'm 19. I feel tired and my limbs feel weak after masturbation. Even my walking style became funny whereby I seldom go out due to the public making fun of my walking style. Worse still I'm still doing military service whereby tough training is being conducted. Can you help me?
Wilson from Singapur.

I have been masturbating since 5 years. I never used to listen to my conscience. Now I am 18. and I do it once in a day. When I was 15 years old I was told that western research has proved absolutely harmless. Now I am addicted to it. I am afraid it is going to do harm to my fertility. I am under developed and less mature than anyone else of my age. I am showing some feminine characters too, like scanty hair, little braests, etc., I think my condition is severe. I wanna get out of it forever. Please help me become a man and make it (life) fruitfull. Thank you, thanks a lot,
Brahma, India.
ps: keep on e-mailing me. Help me, please.

I am young hoping to get married soon. But I’ve been exposed to porn
 for a great deal of my self recalling at the Age of 10 years. I have never forgiven myself since I’ve turned out to be like an animal ever since. I hardly have any self control over my sexual excitement yet I always feel it impossible to give it up. Recently, I’ve been exposed a lot to the internet at University and the whole act of sitting down on a pc all that comes to my mind is to open up a porn site. I hardly have a serious friendship with any Girl at all and never feel loved at any time, too. My life is turning messy so need help and advice. I need fundamental solutions to this problem because its greatly depressing me to a level I cannot understand. Sorry these are my default names as indicated above but call me Allan.
Allan from Uganda.

I was 18, I knew something was wrong with me mentally and physically...
Hello, I have a few more questions regarding sexual energy and masturbation. To give a little bit of background, I have been masturbating since I was around three years old. I didn't even know that what I was doing was called "masturbation" until I was 10 or so.
By the time I was 18, I knew something was wrong with me mentally and physically, but I wasn't sure what it was. I was becoming more and more withdrawn socially, and even had a few panic attacks. On top of this, my voice wasn't as deep as the other men my age (it still isn't), and I couldn't grow a full beard (I still can't). Then I found the website of Dr. Lin. I learned how excessive ejaculation depletes neurotransmitters in the brain and causes anxiety, depression, fatigue, lack of concentration, impotence, etc. Dr. Lin sells hi-power herbal formulas that also contain vitamins and amino acids, to restore the sexual function and the depleted sexual energy and neurotransmitters.
A few months ago I discovered the Gnosis of Samael Aun Weor, and understood, given my background, about why the sexual energy is so important.
Anyway, I was basically wondering if you know of any other techniques for transmuting the sexual energy. I would like to stop masturbating completely, but at the moment I am regulating my ejaculation frequency to once every 8 days. I want to preserve my sexual function so I am able to perform sex magic if the opportunity arises.
So my question is, do you know of a good sexual transmutation technique which helps me to recover my sexual energy? . Thanks,
Joseph from India.

Absolute sexual impotence...
I am a 25-year man.
Since I was 15 years I started masturbating, without realizing I was entering into one of the worst vices of man, one that I have not been able to give up.
I am currently suffering of absolute sexual Impotence, I don't know what to do, where to go, I am furious and mad at myself, because even I am very young I cannot have sex life with a woman to the full.
I want to commit suicide because I feel I have not enjoyed sex as it must be.
Whoever could read this message, please help me to leave this labyrinth I feel in, tell me if my problem has solution.

he had erection once...

Hello, Contrary to all of your writers, I have no problem concerning masturbation; but I am suffering the consequences of masturbation through someone who has this problem.
I am a 33-divivorced woman, I am currently studying another career (I registered at the university to ease the pain of separation and now after a year, I am finally very well), there I knew a 28-guy. I am dating with him, he suffers a sexual problem related to masturbation, I don't feel sure to say, it is impotence, because he had erection in one opportunity, nevertheless this situation has brought to my life confusion and feelings that have begun affecting me on the emotional side. I feel myself not desired, not beautiful, confused, demotivated, well…
One thousand things have passed through my mind as a result of his lack of sexual interest in me.
He is a good man, studious and pleasant, I am having a very nice time with him but my feeling of woman is now affecting the affair. He confessed his problem to me about 2 or 3 days ago, he explained me the masturbation abuse he had during many years and how this is the cause of his problem.
I know he is doing his best for our relations' working out, because he has told me he loves me very much (and so do I) nevertheless I am not willing to risk my emotional system, but I don't want to hurt him either. I want you to publish my testimony so that those guys who do this deteriorating activity could realize how bad women could feel concerning this situation.
Hope my experience could be useful,
Mábel from Mexico

I hate to see myself on the mirror...
Sir,as per your reccomendations on how to stop masturbating , I would like to learn more. Would you be kind enough to contact me on my e-mail? To be frank sir/madam I feel I ruined my life by masturbating, right from the age of 8 to 13. I was a rank student, but I am a miserable failure at the age of 18. I tried to stop masturbating for a week, it worked, but later on, I got back to this vice. In fact, I am so pimply that I hate to see myself on the mirror. But now that I have read your article about masturbation, I have made up my mind to stop doing for the rest of my life. This day, that is the 31st of January I have decided to stop masturbating for the rest of my life. But then sir, please do keep contacting on my e-mail i.d. regulary. Please do keep helping me weekly, please do respond. I will be awaiting your response sir. Thanking you with all my honesty and sincerity,for you have saved my soul and life from going down to hell.
A friend from India.

My life is a disaster...

Something very similar to one of the masturbation testimonies on your page happens to me.
I masturbate since I was 15, I am 23 and I can't stop doing it.
I have no social life, I have never had a girlfriend, I am not sure if my life is a disaster.
I have spent my whole life alone, repressed.
I have good feelings, but this loneliness has made me hide them and on the opposite side I don't go along with my family.
Help me please!.
David from Colombia.
I an an addict...
I masturbate since I was 12 and I got married since last December.
I am an addict and I haven't been able to give up. I do it 2 or 3 times a day and I can't do it anymore, I prefer masturbation to sex with my wife.
I feel depressed. I have no enthusiasm in my job and I have already been fired for low level of achievement.
My prostate became inflamed and I feel an intense pain.
I really start feeling worried.
I am asking for your advice.
Thanks a lot.
Luis from Mexico.

Female masturbation...
I used to masturbate 3 times a day; after doing it, my body was hurt, I felt really tired (today, after reading this page, I feel terrible, dirty)
I thought it was normal too, but I have discovered the harsh truth... I am sick and can't stop doing it.
I need help, this desire is stronger than me.
María de los Angeles from Argentina.

I feel dirty...
I am a 15 years adolescent, when I am alone at home it comes to my mind the idea of masturbating seeing porn magazines.
Most of the times I do it every 2 days and after doing it I feel tired and depressed; besides, when I feel alone, I wish to masturbate with a person of same gender in order to see his genitals.
I want you to help me to give up this vice so I could live happier.
Juan from Colombia.

I lost my looks and physical and mental strength...
I am now 23 and I have been masturbating since I was about 13. I used to be incredibly handsome and intelligent. However, over time, I lost my looks and physical and mental strength. I also suffer from premature ejaculation. I sometimes get pain in internal organ just above penis. This pain sometimes permeates to the anus. I want to stop masturbating but cannot. Can you help me? Any tips on how I may restore my physial and mental rigour. Please help me. I am a very distressed young man. PS. very good site.
Sulivan from United Kingdom.

Can I recover what I have lost...?
I read your article on masturbation, and I cried. I feel so terrible. I know that It is affecting me, but I can't stop. Is there still hope for me? Can I be healed? Can I recover what I have lost through 4 years of sin? Please tell me that there is hope. I want to be healed. I want my mind back. I want to know that I haven't permanently lost anything.
Alan from United States.

My hands shake...
I am 17. I have been masturbating since 11. My hands shake, I have pimples and my veins on the hands are thick. Is it because of masturbation? Now I want to stop but i can't, tell me some way to do so.
Frank from Pakistan.
I didn't receive sex education in Greece...
Hello! Please tell me , have I done permanent damage to my body and mind through masturbation?  I didn't receive sex education in Greece...
I have been masturbating a lot since 11 years old and I am 25 now. I always wondered why I feel slower and weaker than I used to. Can I ever be 100% again? How long will it take to reverse the damage? or is it irreversible? what can I do to minimize the side effects? Thank you!
Petros from US.

Just like female dog smells male dog...
I have been masturbating for 2 years, since when I was 18 years old. My friend first asked me if I mastubated or not. I wasn't masturbating at that time, but after he showed me a couple of porn videos, I was curious about doing masturbation. After he left, and when I was alone, I started to jerk off. I felt so
good, and I cummed.
Since I haven't masturbated before 18 years old, my cock was so strong. I jerked off almost everyday, and I never felt depressed or things like that. Now, I'm 20 years old. I don't have the confidence I used to have, my hands are shaky, my face got bigger due to non exercising (or maybe due to masturbation?). My body doesn't look good, my ass got too big, I feel so dirty and as this website said, I'm rejecting girls. I don't reject girls when I watch them thru porn or TVs. But if I see girls in reality, I don't know, but I feel sometimes even hatred, or emotionally hard to communicate with them. Right now, when I talk with girls, I also feel hatred from them, it's like they don't like my look , or they might sensing something is wrong with me. Just like female dog smells male dog and if male dog has desease, the female dog runs away from him. I used to hang out with many friends, but now, I only have few friends. Of course, they are males. I'm hoping if I stop masturbating, I get more friends and build my confidence and body again, and hoply to get a chance to have romance with girls like back in when I was in high school.
Mike from US.

My pastor raped me...

I don't know what happpen. I was searching for somethig on the internet just 10 minutes after going to masturbating. I have been doing this since I was a young girl, about 5 years old I was fundle with at that age then about 9 years old I met a girl of the same sex we were always masturbating, it's what we did all day long. When she had to go home I would go to my room or the bathroom and masturbate. It came to the point where whenever I had the urge I would do it no matter what time of day it was. when I was 9 -13, I was raped by my Pastor I got kick out of the church but my mom chose to stay and I was alone. I always tried sucide but it never worked. I would stay up all night masturbating. I became myself sad. I somehow thought I was free, I made myself the promise that I would never go back to that way of living again but yet, I did. Now, I am 18 years old and I am a freashman in College and I spend most of my time in the bathroom masturbating. What can you do different to help me get through?
Geneva from US.

A woman's promise..
I was full of anxiety after reading your article on masturbation. I am 14 years old and I have been masturbating since I was 12 and a half. If I promise to stop now, Will the effects of getting dumber and less beautiful affect me? Please, I need your help. Thank you!
Crysta from USA. 

...when I was reading some of the confessions I thought some of them were fake...
I was searching the internet for a webpage like this one. I used keywords like "consequences of masturbation" or "how to stop masturbation" and I stumbled onto this page and after reading all the confessions I realised how similar my case is to most of these people.
I had all the symptoms; low self-confidence, shaky hands, constant feeling of weakness and unworthiness, absolutely no social connections (any more), etc...This CAN'T be a coincidence, all these symptoms ARE caused by masturbation.
I am now 21 and have been masturbating since I was 15. I used to masturbate on a daily basis and sometimes more than 3 times a day. I turned into this weak, pathetic creature that just wants to hide at home and continue with this bad habit-sometimes by looking at porn and sometimes by just fantasizing. I now want to shout out at all those who say that masturbation is natural and healthy and tell them to STOP LYING. Now I hate this thing so much that I stopped looking at porn and decided never EVER to do it again. I have been "sober" now for about 3 weeks and life is already wonderful.
I now feel much more confident and steady. There ARE still some symptoms left but I know that they will go away if I stay strong. So my advice to all those who suffer from this problem is to just STOP it. Believe me it WILL work and most importantly it is never too late. By the way, when I was reading some of the confessions I thought some of them were fake or written by the owners of the webpage just to get us to buy product, but as I continued to read I realised that they weren't. Mine too is real, and the reason I wrote it was how good I felt when stopped masturbation and I just hope my experience would help someone else be a happy person again.
Maino from Germany.

...when I am home alone...
Hi, I am from India and I have been masturbating for 3 years. Sir. Please, tell me how can I stop it, when I am home alone I feel to masturbate and see sexy girls on the net. I read thatt it is harmless
but in real life it is harmful. Please, tell me how can I regain my lost energy and how can I get rid of it, I even tried to stop it but after a month, I was unable to hold it any more and started again and
I also ate my semen (just 4 times). Please, suggest me what to do. You are my last hope.
Thank you.
Anonymous e-mail.

...I loose my erection even at the begining...

I masturbated at age of 14 almost 4 times a week until age of 25 and I slowed down to 1 to 2 times until age of 30, and now I'm 40 I only masturbate 1 or 2 times a month. Sometimes, I can spend 3 months without masturbation, but my problem is when I'm with a girl I can't go more than 1 time and sometimes I loose my erection even at the begining, and I also suffer of premature ejaculation, I need help. Please, help me, sometimes I want to die for that problem, I'm so stressed, my question is: THIS PROBLEM HAPPENED TO ME BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN MASTURBATING ALL THIS TIME?
Karim from United States. reached to almost 2-4 times a day...
Hi, I am very grateful to you for putting such informative articles on your site. I am also a victim of masturbation. I came to know about masturbation by myself, at the age of 12 and since then I have been masturbating. I am currently 17. In the beginning, the frequency of masturbation was less but gradually it increased and about a year ago it reached to almost 2-4 times a day!!!
Recently, I have been abstaining from Masturbation. I realised its harmful effects with experience, I realised that my concentration and memory had become weak as it was five years ago. Currently, I have not masturbated since exactly a month. I am a spiritual person and have also started Yog. I wanted to know whether Pranayama can heal all the negatives that have happened since I was 12?
Due to this 'one month' abstinence, the urge for masturbation has increased so much that it's been difficult to handle it. My personal life is making it worse. I like a girl very much (I actually love
her), but due to personal reasons I have not even proposed anything to her. Combined with the 'one month' abstinence, her thoughts always roam in my mind and such fantasies leads to more urge for masturbation. Nowadays, I have been compelled so much that I end up masturbating to just about getting an ejaculation and then I refrain from it, remembering my abstinence. Please do tell me how to get through this situation?
Please do help me with these problems. Thank you.
Yours truly,
Vikram from India.

I used to solve Maths problems very fast...
Thank you very much for the information provided. I was a sharp boy a few years ago. I used to solve Maths problems very fast and had an excellent memory, but things have started degradating since I began what you called masturbation. I have been masturbating for two years, and the poor consequences have started coming now. Since last year, my memory has become weak. In fact, I was doubtful that this (mas..) might me cause bad memory but I was never sure. To tell you the truth, I began searching in a search engine as "does loss of sperm affects memory" and I was here. My doubt came true. Well, now I can't bring the things back but I would like to know that if I stop masturbation now, how long will it take for me to regain my scientist type of memory? Also, I would like to know what additional diet supplements I should take, and lastly how much poor effects can this have on the rest of my life? Can I live a normal life now? Thank you from the bottom of my heart once again.
Please. reply soon
Dinesh from India

How I re-gain my lost Energy?
Hello I have been masturbating since I was 18 years. Now, I am 28 and unmarried. But still addict of this. Now, I have lots of problems regarding my mental and sexual health. I am very weak and look aged as compare to other of my age. My half of beared comes grey which usually starts grey in age of 40 here. I have no control on myself, it means whenever I even think about sex or talk with a girl , drops of semen comes out. I am a patient of spermatorrea for last 6 years. It is totally out of control. I got erection but for very small time. And I am facing premature ejeculation, weak memory and lots of other problems as you know which may comes due to after such long time of masturbating. My question regarding the above situation is:  Is there any way to quit this bad habit and regain my lost energy and get rid of all my above problems and be able to start marriage life?
Regards Thanks in Advance, 
Naeem from Somewhere.


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