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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Living in a Modern Gurukul

A very nice way of conserving your semen/ virya, seminal energy i.e. for observing brahmacharya/ celibacy……….
1. Choose a separate room (only one room with attached bathroom, kitchen and balcony). If you live with    your family, then reserve a suitable room for yourself.
2. Now place a music system, spiritual literature like:- Bhagavad Gita, Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads etc, an asana (a cloth used for praying), your school, college or work books (which do not contain any adult or sexual content), a small bed, yoga mat, some fitness equipment, and other items which you can easily purchase from ISKCON centers.
3. Buy a mobile phone/ tablet (without internet connection) and save satsang, sayings, speeches, bhajans, good spiritual books (ebooks & pdf), images of Lord Krishna, Lord Hanuman, Lord Shiva, Lord Rama, Goddess Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati etc from your father’s or mother’s laptop or desktop (having internet connection).
4. Remember:- You have to listen to satsang and bhajans for whole day & night every time. However, you can read spiritual books & see images and listen speeches whenever and wherever you like. Mind is very powerful. It will order you to think about girls, women, sexual images while you are awake or you are asleep. But it is your responsibility to hold your mind and save it from these cheap desires and acts. And after all, you knew the consequences. Read horrible side effects of masturbation, watching porn and sex.
5. Do not buy a laptop, magazines, ebooks (containing images of opposite sex- male or female). Do not listen to English music, album songs, bollywood songs, English & hindi novels, adult comics, adult novels, and movies, songs, videos containing sexuality. Do not read newspapers, visit social networking sites. If you want to read latest and current news then read only those newspapers that are of good quality and almost sex free.
6. Eat satvik food like fresh fruits, whole grains, foods (without spices, onions, garlic). Do not eat any non- veg food including fish & eggs, mushrooms etc. Do not take alcohol and caffeine containing drinks, soda, carbonated drinks. Do not drink tea and coffee.
7. Refrain from talking to something, sharing your ideas & thoughts, speak very less (as a great amount of energy gets wasted) , meeting your friends & relatives, going to undesirable places like pubs, clubs, night bars, theatres, multiplexes, malls, superstores,  etc,  messaging on mobile,  surfing internet and social networking sites unnecessarily. Control all these for at least 25 years of your life.
8. Do pranayama and asanas (learn from a certified personal yoga instructor or join a yoga class. You can take help from videos, cds, dvds & books of Swami Ramdev but don't depend on it, consulting a personal guru or instructor is very very important) and do kirtan every day chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra in different tunes and other bhajans (for this, you have to learn a musical instrument).
9. You should also do Likhit jap (writing mantra in a note- book). This world needs pure minds and you can make your mind pure only by observing Brahmacharya/ celibacy and sannyasa.
10. Apart from that, you must study physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, economics, geography, history, commerce, computer science, space science, political science, engineering, medicine, law, arts, etc as a part of you school/ college  curriculum and also do your office work. Remember, in this modern age, you have to learn modern sciences, make your career and earn for your livelihood.
11. Initially, you get bored with all these stuff (because you are occupied by lust and illusion) but do not weaken your mind & will and try hard for observing celibacy/ Brahmacharya no matter how many times you fail.
12. Buy a juicer & make fresh juice everyday.
13. Feed sparrows, dogs, cats (biscuits, clean water & bread), water plants everyday, take a balanced diet every time.
14. Help others, needy and the poor, illiterate, disabled, handicapped, mentally challenged, orphans by food, money, clothing, shelter, education etc.
15. Make a time- table for everything you do in a day. Track your daily progress & set achievable goals (short term & long term).

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