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Friday, April 3, 2015

Advice to Parents/ Guardian

Sex is important and necessary for continuing human existence on earth. But, it is highly recommended that sexual intercourse should be done for giving birth to children only. Both, mother and father or guardians must observe strict brahmacharya/ celibacy in life before and after giving birth to children. Parents/ guardians should refrain from sexual images, thoughts, acts & sexuality completely. It is the duty of parents/ guardians to look after the development of children. 

Sexual intercourse during pregnancy  is proved to be a major reason for birth of disabled, handicapped, mentally challenged and weak children. 

 Parents should not use any of the wrong & undesirable methods like contraception, condoms, vibrators, oral sex, masturbation etc as, it will greatly affect their children and future generations. Children will be born with high degree of sexual instincts like masturbation, fingering, desires of watching porn, inserting objects  like dildos, vibrators, artificial vagina, penis, playing with genitals, sex organs, watching, reading, listening, talking adult content. An infant has very high dose of sexual energy which remains hidden in his/ her brain till adolescence. All the children have very sharp learning & absorbing capabilities. They absorb stimuli from their surroundings at a faster pace. So, if input given to a child's mind is wrong, output will also be wrong. 

Parents who are really concerned about their old age & future of their children should give them knowledge of brahmacharya/ celibacy, self control, mind control at the small age of 10. Otherwise, they should send their children to a Gurukul (children growing & studying under the guidance of a Guru or spiritual master) if, they can't look after children properly. The future of a country depends on its brave, intelligent and powerful children. If the children are not mentally, emotionally, physically strong, how could they help the society, country & mankind?

Semen is all money. Semen is all power. Semen is the essence of life, thought, intelligence, consciousness. This is a secret. So, if you want you’re worthy sons and daughters to become rich, talented, and happy and lead a prosperous life, work for advancement of science, technology, society, country and mankind. Then, you people as parents should take care of them & keep them under your guidance. 

People who watch porn, have sex and masturbate die with unused brains & cannot harness their full potential in life. They become worthless. Even a little spark of sexual impulse in childhood destroys the personality of children and makes them suffer whole life. What you do in life affect your subconscious mind. Children, youngsters and people who get trapped in the web of sexuality could not come out of this web; they imagine sexy things even at the time of death. Actually, semen come directly from God and God wants human beings to become God. So, is it just and wise to waste God given gift & power?

Parents often criticize, blame, impose their children for their performance in school, college, work and in life, for their I.Q., brain, mind, attitude and personality but, the total fault is from parents' side. Parents cannot control themselves how could they control their children.

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