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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Reasoning with you 1

· The knowledge of brahmacharya/celibacy should be given to a child at the onset of 10 years by his/her parents, teachers and relatives. From 10 to 12 years, he/she should learn: What is brahmacharya/celibacy? How to observe brahmacharya/celibacy? What is semen & sexual energy? How to conserve semen & what are the benefits of observing brahmacharya/celibacy. He/ She should be given complete knowledge of God or Self-realization, soul, life, death, society & environment .Then he/ she should follow brahmacharya/celibacy till his/her last breath whole life & should do sex only for giving birth to children otherwise he/ she should remain a brahmachari/ celibate for life.
·   Every human being has equal brain & mind. However, some use their minds to become billionaires & improving the condition of society, earth while others degrade & reduce the capacity of mind by doing masturbation, sex & watching porn.
·  You should wake up early in the morning. Positively between the time period 4-6 AM. There is a famous proverb:-  Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
· Don’t tell anybody about yourself , don’t discuss with anybody what you are doing? because people will not take it seriously & call you a fool making jokes of you.
·  A human child is born with all the qualities of a jungle animal. Religion especially observing brahmacharya/celibacy is very necessary to turn him/her into a useful human being for society & country. Otherwise the child will remain an animal for life-long , will do crimes , have depression, pollute environment & become worthless for country.
· You are not this body. You are a soul because from childhood to old-age, you get different bodies, but you remain  one single living identity. Even if you are old, yet you remember your childhood memories. Learn more from Bhagavad Gita.
·  In this world, everybody criticize everybody except himself/ herself to satisfy his/her  ego. So don’t become angry & nervous with such criticism. Have faith in yourself & answer them with full confidence and boldness.
·  Humans have no other way of living but surrendering completely to god & observing  brahmacharya/ celibacy. This will help them:-
 Conserve semen & seminal/ sexual energy.
Live life happily, stress free & without any guilt, tension, disease & depression.
Work as a perfectionist in all the fields like:- school, college, office, personal issues,              relationships, in old age.
Control mind and senses & become a super human.
Do lots of good things to others, helping others, giving food, clothes & money to the              needy & the poor, thus working for the betterment of the society.
Know god, soul, life, death & lead a life with a supreme goal of self- realization.
Study sciences, computers, earth , astronomy, effectively and  fruitfully with strong                mind & will power.
Saving environment & continued survival of human kind.
Purifying mind, body & the inner self.
·  Masturbation, watching pornography & doing sex are habit forming and once you become addicted to them, coming out of them or overcoming sexual thoughts & acts is nearly impossible. Do you know that there is no special medicine in medical science to completely cure pornographic and sexual addiction. Once your mind become impure by sexual thoughts, there is no way out to make it pure by any means.
· The attraction of a boy towards a girl or a girl towards a boy is so strong that even blind persons can feel the attraction & sexual desire within them. Convert all your attraction, sexual desires to pure love to god, which is possible by following brahmacharya / celibacy only.
·  People spend a huge amount of money in beautification of their faces & bodies. The body is not beautiful, if it is, then why it degrades after death (when soul leaves) at a faster pace. Also, you eat very tasty & good looking food, like fruits, cakes, pizza, burger, pasta, Italian, Indian, Spanish, Chinese, Continental  but what do we get after digestion, the food & liquid are excreted out by our bodies in the form of feces and urine. So, is your body beautiful? I think not.
·   Brahmacharya/ celibacy can only be observed by remaining poor & leading a simple life with high thinking. Richness clashes with brahmacharya / celibacy because money is a major attraction which often accompany sexuality with it. A sanyasi should not touch money & look and think about opposite sex.
·   Semen act as memory card, a ram and a hard disk for your brain. Tell me, how, in a child traits of his/her father are inherited. Semen stores in itself- all the power of the mind & brain, memory, concentration, strength, intelligence, virtues, goodness, feelings, physical & mental powers of a father. Is there any person in the world who is such a fool to degrade himself and his beautiful children who will later shine their parent’s name and work for the betterment of country, society, religion & environment. Therefore, save the precious semen, it is like a perfume made from flowers of highest quality.
Although writing Hare Krishna Mahamantra, God name writing, Mantra writing and likhit japa are very great ways of destroying sins & bad karma, but an individual should not think that he can do a sin & then chant or write Hare Krishna Mahamantra & become free of the effect of sin or bad karma. Otherwise, nam dosh or mantra dosh will be applied on the person & he will become the greatest sinner. Writing Hare Krishna Mahamantra, God name writing etc. are the end tasks after which you cannot do any sin further.

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