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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Reasoning with you 2

·  You chant 1000 different mantras, Hare Krishna Mahamantra crores of times, read and recite Bhagavad Gita & Srimad Bhagavatam 100 times, shlokas, chalisas, suktas and do totkas. But if you do not observe brahmacharya/celibacy or you cannot save your valuable semen, sexual energy then you will not achieve and gain anything.
·  You will say that pleasure from sex and masturbation is incomparable with anything in the world but think that your soul (atma) gets pleasure from your body only for a few seconds by doing sex and masturbation (because of release out of semen from penis/ vagina) and then you have to repent for your whole lifetime. But if you are self- realized or established in divine (Supreme Lord), you will experience permanent pleasure, divine bliss and permanent enjoyment even after death of your body.
·  It doesn't matter what people around you feel and think about yourself. Popularize and tell about the concept of brahmacharya/ celibacy to everybody around you and to the maximum number of people. Initially, they will call you a fool, mad, asshole, chutiya, bastard, insane, crazy and they will insult you but you have to stand against them. Tell them that your mind is filled with cowdung, dirtiness, and you should roam in the city with black faces and wearing a garland made from black shoes ( just make a joke & lie to them about yourself). Do not let your mind to listen and follow sayings of even your closest friend, brother, sister & even your parents,  but later after sometime, you will yourself start experiencing benefits and fruits of brahmacharya/celibacy. People around you, will start praising you and your achievements. But remember, do only good things and work for the betterment of society ( which contains animals also) and to improve environment.
·  You will be replied by your parents, brother, sister, close friends, doctors, psychiatrists, sexologists(everybody) that if you eat good food, exercise & workout regularly, then you will have a good sex-drive and have plenty of semen. The semen is only for wasting(i.e. you cannot save or conserve it) but what about your mind, your intellect, your mental, emotional and physical development. My friend, learn from the bitter experiences of people( who are living a hellish life and suffering depression). They also got trapped into these nonsense arguments of science. They also believed that by wasting semen( by masturbation, watching adult websites, movies, videos, porn and doing sexual intercourse), they do not harm themselves, their mind, their body , but after all the drama, they got the answer. Then they were unable to do anything worthy and ultimately they died.
·  People in this world only increase their ego and satisfy themselves. They think that they are perfect and good. Nobody should hurt their ego and will. Parents try to order & control their children, a husband tries to control his wife and vice-versa, a teacher wants to control his/her students. Everybody is satisfying his/her ego. You should not bend to these arguments, you should not worry about them, let them think and say, what they think. You are unique and if you follow brahmacharya/celibacy, you will become a major part of ultimate Supreme Lord. Try to suffer harsh & hard circumstances and listen to their rubbish talks. Later you will be rewarded by nature and god. Nature treats everyone according to his/her deeds, if you do good deeds, help other people, save environment, conserve semen in this birth then you will be rewarded a good, rich, beautiful birth of human birth after death. What you achieve in this birth( mentally, spiritually, physically), you will be given in next birth equally. Nature does justice with everybody, what you deserve , you will get in next birth.
·   Patience is the key for all achievements. While observing brahmacharya/celibacy, you should be patient enough to get fruits of brahmacharya/celibacy.
·  Books and discourses given by Osho are also very informative and good , except one thing- Osho does not preach about the importance of brahmacharya/celibacy( in fact, he does the opposite thing, he supports masturbation and sex) and therefore do not listen, read & follow him on sex. Do not read his book entitled- From Sex to Super-consciousness ( otherwise you will fall into the trap of sexuality). His other books and discourses are marvelous gems. He lays maximum focus on meditation, dhyan and Samadhi but unless you are a brahmachari/celibate/sannyasi………you cannot experience anything in meditation and Samadhi.
·  There is no achievement in discharging out all semen from your body because everybody is doing that. But to preserve semen and sexual energy(by controlling mind & senses) is the highest achievement. Even it is highest than combining all the courses taught in the universities of the world.
·  What is good about thinking a task? World wants doers, not thinkers. A doer is far more good than a thinker. Don’t tell anybody anything about the task in hand before the completion.
·  Nobody ever satisfied this world completely. Therefore, you should satisfy God by following brahamacharya/celibacy and doing good deeds. If you run after world, you will keep on running & achieve nothing at the end. But if you run after God, the whole world will run after you.
·  Make yourself very strong by following brahmacharya/celibacy, so that you can withstand harsh circumstances & difficulties in life. The thoughts and talks of ordinary people should not affect your state of mind in any way.
·   Yogic practices are very useful & fruitful ways of achieving self- realization, prevention of all types of diseases, for balance of –mind, bind & soul. But if you don’t follow brahmacharya/ celibacy(i.e. not preserve sexual energy) then doing any of the yogic practices will not help you in any way because it is the sexual/seminal energy that prevent and cure diseases, ailments and helps a person to become self- realized.

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