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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Reasoning with you 3

·  Don’t waste food, water and other items. Take them as required & do their maximum utilization. Recycle, reduce & reuse plastics, papers, wood, food & other materials. Use resources very little in life & give your society, country and planet earth maximum. Also, plant new plants, trees and water them. Because you might buy a high quality water purifier for filtering water, very tasty & pricey food but, can you buy air? So, it is everyone’s duty to make environment clean & green. Study second hand books & use second hand items.
·  In today’s world, people don’t realize their self- worth. They don’t have any interest in self- realization. They can’t even lift the level of their inner self. They run behind small pleasures & they don’t practice mind control by following brahmacharya/ celibacy. You want to live your whole life caring for your body but my friend, you are not this body. You are the immortal soul - which never born or die, one which is indestructible, fire cannot burn you, water cannot drain you, no weapon can harm you in any way.
·  Don’t be fascinated by the glow of outside world and your surroundings. Control your mind and live your life with one thought - simple living and high thinking. Don’t compare yourself with anybody. You are unique in the world. You have such traits which nobody other than you possesses. People will compare you with others. Don’t loose confidence & don’t become disheartened. Follow the path of brahmacharya/ celibacy & later the world will notice you. Your potential is totally different from others. Others may be rich, beautiful, and wise and do have a good social background & prestige yet, the qualities you possess are very different and my advice to you is: Imagine yourself to be God.
·  Thank God, as God has given you so much. God has given you life to experience nature. By mercy of God you are breathing. God has made you a living creature, that should be enough for you. Do not run behind pleasures & collect material possessions, because you have to leave all your belongings, material possessions, pride, ego and relations at the event of death. This world is a mirage. It is a sweet dream. Nobody has ever achieved this world, and your inner self has never been lost to you. Realize your inner self through self- realization which can only be accomplished by following unbroken brahmacharya/ celibacy.

·   Youngsters and teenagers say - We will not follow brahmacharya/ celibacy, we will see girls with wrong perspective, we will not read & follow shastras, vedas & spiritual knowledge. These are all outdated, old fashioned, and work of illiterate villagers, sages & saints. Well, my friend, turn on television (T.V.) and watch any news channel, then read any newspaper - what you will notice? Let me tell you - crimes, rapes, sexuality, diseases, deaths, scams, scandals, miseries, faults, failures, suicides, problems, betrayals, wars etc. Now answer just one basic question - Even after so much development of science & technology, why we are still lacking in developing morality, truthfulness, loyalty, improving quality of life and maintaining peace and trust. The answer is because we are not following brahmacharya/ celibacy.

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