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Friday, April 3, 2015

Suicide - Dying before Death

“Many have found life’s fulfillment in collecting wealth, but even wealthy persons have been found committing suicide. Many people have tried to make lives successful through fame, reputation, renown. It has been found that even after success in this direction, they are not satisfied. Some think that life becomes worth through scholarship and knowledge but many profound scholars and knowledgeable people and scientists have been found committing suicides.” – Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya

Suicide - A word popular among human civilization, has become very common nowadays. People die everyday no doubt, in fact, every hour. But deaths through suicides have become a hallmark of modern times.

From a small child of just 10 years to an old man of 90 - just everybody think of suicide many times in a year. Many people are suffering from depression and thoughts of suicide ( suicidal tendencies) revolve in their minds constantly. They find life very difficult and cannot have guts to live their complete life span. Some of them are courageous enough to successfully commit suicide although others make many attempts on regular intervals but do not get success.

Life becomes extremely hard for those people that are not mentally or physically strong and do not have either support from others or faith in religion. Then, of course, there are other factors also, as - Money, social status, respect or image, failures, quarrels, unpaid debts, loans, unemployment, poverty, homelessness, loss of pleasure in life, alcohol use, smoking cigarettes, discrimination, tendency of revenge, burden of feeling guilty, dismissal from jobs, fear of exam results, failure in exams, anger, tension of any kind, excessive stress, trauma,  love and relationship problems, incurable diseases, physical and mental disabilities that include insomnia, depression, anxiety, mood disorders, schizophreniadrug misuse, masturbation, pornographic addiction, sexual abuse in childhood and later in life, unsafe sex, rape, divorce, homosexual and heterosexual nature, transgender nature etc.

It doesn't matter what factors enforce a person to commit suicide, thoughts of suicide play major role in committing the final act. Also, most of the people are encouraged by the thought that their neighbor, relative, friend or someone in family committed suicide and got a way to end everlasting pain and problems. They think - 'That person has committed suicide and got relief from his problems, I have big problems, I should also commit suicide and come out from this deadly web of pain and tensions. 
But suicide is not an answer. You have to die one day or another, everybody who has taken birth will meet with death one day. This is the ultimate truth. About sixty billion humans have lived on earth to the present times and died. Everybody from animals, birds to very small creatures, insects are in the queue of death. Committing suicide is a foolish step. As every human being is born with some special cosmic energies, you have very high capabilities. You don't know about your hidden powers. You don't know whether you will get a human birth or not after death. Even if you become a human, will you get that much potential, powers, beauty, money, family, intelligence, social status that you own today? This is really something uncertain. You cannot be 100 % sure about this. Even there are people who are poorer than you, weaker than you, don't have any social standing, power, illiterate but are happy and enjoying life with a smile. They don't bother about money, girlfriend, wife, self respect, social status, failures, material possessions in life. They are just living with inner peace and giving thanks to God for his gift. This is the biggest mistake every human commits. He/she has everything inside his/ her inner self yet he wastes whole life is collecting material possessions, money, power and social prestige.
Become a brahmachari, conserve your sexual energy, do not waste a single drop and mark my words, you will not require any other thing in this world. You will enjoy peace incomparable to anything in the world. Stop wasting your precious energy and draining it in toilets and wash rooms. You will have massive amount of energy for helping mankind, environment, science and technology and ultimately, you will achieve your inner self, your true nature. A brahmachari doesn’t think about ending his life even for a second. He has full control over his mind, thoughts and actions. He can conquer over death. He will have that much power to live more than 110 years. He can turn a piece of shit into gold. Don't waste your precious life behind girlfriend, wife, or any other possession. Girlfriends, boyfriends, wife, money, respect and material possessions will come and go. You don’t have to make bonds with them. Even your own body after which you cares for your whole life, gets buried or burned at the end. So, why to take any tension and why to run behind useless possessions?

And even if you want to marry and have children, you can marry a beautiful girl later. But without brahmacharya, you will become a living carcass, who don't have enough semen to produce a child, to earn money, to have a beautiful and intelligent body, to have manliness, stamina, confidence, sexual stamina (what modern society call love nowadays) etc. Take shelter under Lord Krishna, Rama, Shiva, and Hanuman and become a GOD.

Insanity, anxiety and depression come by wasting semen. The person who had wasted semen will suffer later in life. Suicidal thoughts regularly arise and revolve in his mind. He/ she gets so much frightened on seeing disappointing atmosphere everywhere around him/ her that he/ she does not find any solution except ending his/ her life. Courage to handle day to day problems and struggles, is what comes by conserving semen and powers of mind.

Digital age is the age of suicides. A suicide generation? Yes, nowadays even a small child of ten years thinks of ending his life if his parents doesn't buy him a mobile phone. Human values are neglected today in majority of families. Being scientific and rational doesn't mean that you will never drown in the deadly well of suicidal thoughts. Why? Because the modern society is totally based on material comfort and utility. What they call development is increasing materialism and developing artificial means to enjoy. They don't enjoy material possessions but the possessions enjoy their bodies. That is a fact. Man is not a mechanical being or robot. The present civilization is totally based on 'earn and enjoy' principle. The so called civilized and rich people spend mindlessly on useless artificial possessions, deteriorating themselves, environment and mother earth and yet call this nonsense a civilized living. This complex web of materialism is created by man himself. Donkeys and horses are not responsible for creating this selfish, competitive and resource wasting society.

Arising of suicidal thoughts and tendencies is one thing and committing suicide is other. You can do much damage to your body and its internal organs. But death is something very difficult. It is, in fact, the most toughest job to kill yourself. Our body has a reflex mechanism against artificial death. 

Death is of three types - 1. Natural - which happens at the end of complete life span. 2. Artificial - Suicides and accidental deaths. 3. Yogic - The most powerful : you can leave your body anytime in full consciousness and can re-enter in the same body or some other body of a new born ( only achievable by following unbroken brahmacharya). 

Internet, newspapers, magazines, movies and books can give you much information about how to kill yourself, as the people behind internet, movies and nonsense books don't know anything about you, your present state of mind, your tensions and situations and your hidden capabilities and future. Nothing matters for them if you commit suicide. 

For your benefit, you should know that sometimes, even your family members, friends and relatives don't want you to live anymore. They want you to commit suicide so that they can get rid from you. This is the reality of the world. The world is all selfish. They will do something for you only if you do something for them. The love they show is not motive less. They want something in return.

Take for example, no matter how much a boyfriend loves his girlfriend but the sole reason behind their love is sexual satisfaction with artificial means. In other words, both want to enjoy each other. They smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, take drugs and cannabis with each other, see porn, narrate sexual stories, use condoms and other means of increasing sexual satisfaction, try different positions of sexual intercourse. They make false decisions to live life together, love each other till their last breath. But, does it happen? In most cases, no, because money and sexual satisfaction are behind all this nonsense. After the effect of alcoholic drinks like wine, beer, whiskey and drugs, the mind of both lovers come to normal. Now, they realize that the person with whom they want to live whole life is not that much attractive and doesn't have much money. So, they leave each other and sometimes commit suicide also. This is all about what modern world call love

But, my friend, we cares for you, we love you, we have full confidence on you and we want nothing from you. It doesn't matter whether you are an Indian, American, British, African, Australian, Hindu, Christian or Muslim or an atheist (non - believer of God) or from some other country, religion and race. You are important to us because you are a human being. You contain soul, have a heart and possess a powerful identity.

Some important points for your war against suicide are :-

1. Crores of bacteria, animals, birds, plants, environment, sun, moon and mother earth, nature and many other humans have contributed in past and present to make your life complete and cheerful. Do you have any responsibility towards them? Don't think only about yourself. Things that happened in past were good, that are happening at present are good and things that will happen in future will be good also. Everything will be alright after sometime no matter how much difficulty you are facing today. It is with most of us, we don't have courage and patience to see the outcomes. At present, if you don't see any benefit coming out of your own decisions. Don't be disheartened. As the time passes, you will experience something good because of your past decisions and incidents happened with you. You were not responsible for your birth on planet earth. Maybe, your birth on earth was because of your good deeds in previous life according to religion. But, nobody asked you to take birth on earth. You can blame God for that. It's God's wish to bless you as a human being. You are God's child. So why worry? Become a puppet of God and see what happens. Take shelter in Lord Krishna's name. Lord Hanuman will protect you from negative energy and will give you power. Chant Hare Krishna Mahamantra and Hanuman chalisa and do kirtan everyday continuously many times.

2. Don't spend energy of your mind behind emotions, sentiments and waste thoughts. Negativity attracts more negativity and same is the case with positivity. If you constantly think yourself to be a failure, you will become a failure. Negative thoughts that are continuously revolving in your mind are totally nonsense. Thinking negative will not give you anything. Engage your mind in some good work. Something as small as planting and watering a plant sapling. First, do little tasks and then slowly move on to big ones.

3. The world is full of possibilities. God knows, how much knowledge, arts and wealth have been developed and generated since human beings started living on earth. Also, we don't know what future holds in store for us. Many arts and literary works got extinct over the ages because of mindless development and man's intentions of running behind sexual desires. We have lost a vast  amount of cultural heritage and wealth in our past. Even now, many good things are vanishing from world. The earth is becoming a junkyard day by day. Therefore, devote your life for saving good and precious things, culture, arts, literature, and nature irrespective of what people around you think about yourself. Maybe you become rich in future.

4. Live your life according to the principle of 'simple living and high thinking'. Make a time table and follow it will full devotion. You should have minimum needs for your body. Work more and give maximum output.

5. Stop wasting time in unnecessarily surfing internet, social networking sites, watching movies and playing video games. These things will further increase suicidal thoughts and tendencies. The acts of self - harm, violence, sexuality, abuse shown on websites, T.V., movies, video games and mobile applications are not real and these things inspire individuals to commit such acts in reality. As the type of data you receive through your senses gets stored in mind and then your mind plays its own game for and against your will. It is the nature of the mind, it doesn't take into account the positive and negative consequences of an act, it just follows what it likes. Therefore, you should control your mind.

6. Many great personalities, beautiful and intelligent people, scientists, artists, research scholars, students, businessmen, poets and celebrities ended their lives by committing suicide. They accepted untimely death due to some unfavourable circumstances. If they lived some longer, maybe they did something more good and great for humanity by writing and composing some more literary works, inventing some other things and helping others and mother earth.

7. Don't make any close relationship with anybody in this world. Be it your brother, sister, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, teacher, mother, father, grandfather, close friend or any other relative. Because if they left you or died, you will suffer a great loss and trauma thinking about your past relationship with them. Have faith in Lord Krishna and do your own business. Interact with people but don't make too close relations. Apart from your close ones, you should help others, the poor, old and the needy, feed birds, fishes, and water plants everyday.

8. Don't run mindlessly behind purchasing laptops, mobiles, electronic items, means of increasing sexuality like adult books, magazines, sex toys, and other items of luxury. Save money for future because in today's world, only money can fill your stomach. If you have lots of money, spend it for some great cause. You can make a garden around your house, give good food to the poor or save it for your hard times. Demands will never fulfill even if you spend your whole life in struggle for satisfying those demands.

9. Leave non - vegetarian food. Eating meat, chicken, mutton, pork, beef, fish even eggs increases suicidal thoughts and tendencies. Your doctor and psychiatrist will not recommend you this. Think, why will he advise you to stop eating non- vegetarian food. It will ruin his business and that of non - veg selling restaurants and shops. Taking lots and lots of tranquilizers, anti stress pills and drugs will benefit Doctor's pocket and that of medical industry also. But, you must consult a doctor when the idea of suicide came into your mind for first time and in case of serious situations.

10. Take 4-5 tulsi (holy basil) leaves every morning before breakfast except Sunday and then drink a glass of water. Take chyawanprash, amla murrabba and other medicines from Baba Ramdev's Divya Pharmacy. (Note: Don't take too many Ayurvedic medicines also as these medicines will further increase heat, resulting in ejecting (removing) out semen from the body. Also it is advisable to take ayurvedic medicines after consulting an ayurvedic doctor or a vaidya because self-medication can be dangerous). Eat lots of fruits and green vegetables. Drink Cow's milk and fruit juices in ample quantity. Have a balanced diet. Don't mix a lot of spices with food. Don't drink caffeinated and carbonated drinks like tea, coffee, soft drinks and energy drinks, alcohol etc. Stay away from junk food like pizza, burger, pasta, French fries, hot dogs, noodles. Please don't take meat, drugs and cigarettes. These things will not benefit you in any way and are the major causes behind suicides.

11. Read good literature. It is always better to read something spiritual everyday. Spiritual texts such as Shrimad Bhagavad-Gita, Shrimad Bhagavat Mahapuran and Shri Ram charitmanas saved a lot of people from committing suicide when there was not a single hope left for them. Otherwise, you can take inspiration from Swami Vivekananda and Swami Sivananda's literary works. Repeating Hanuman Chalisa many times will also give you fearlessness and increase your positive energy to the optimum level.

12. Pranayama and Yoga gradually decreases suicidal thoughts. Its a proven fact. Buy CD's, read books or watch videos of Baba Ramdev on YouTube. Pranayama like Anulom - vilom, Ujjayi, Bhramri and asanas like Sarvangasan, Vajrasan, Balasan, Chakrasan etc will help you a lot. First, learn them properly and then execute them. (Note: don't do yoga and pranayama by reading books and watching videos or t.v. alone as it will harm you because yoga and pranayama have side-effects too when done without proper guidance and instructions. Therefore, it is very important to join a yoga class or learn from a guru or a certified instructor personally). These yogic practices will further add to your working output, glow on face, internal and external health, personality and help you to control sexual desires.

And last but not the least, don't take life as a burden, conserve sexual energy, don't masturbate and don't watch porn.

My friend, you are unique. You are not an animal. Don't live your life like an animal. Do something, learn something, draw, write or compose something. But, please! please! Don't commit suicide. Humanity requires you, mother earth requires you, you are special, you are beautiful and charming, you are a genius. Please help yourself. Experience some inner strength. Don't mind about what other people think about you. Let them think. They can have their own opinions about you.

Smile everytime. Have a cheerful attitude. Forget past failures and tensions. You can't change anything in your past. Leave it as it is. Think about future. Start a new journey. A journey full of courage, enthusiasm, unselfishness, happiness, fulfillment and work for improving condition of society, humanity, mother earth, literature, arts, science and technology. Let others ignore you. They will soon realise their mistakes.

Live your life team loves you by heart and you are very much dearer and precious for us.


Hare Krishna 

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