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Monday, April 20, 2015

The Essence of Life - Semen 2

Passion for worldly pleasures is a natural impulse of the unrefined human being. However, few people realise that hankering after fulfilment of ever increasing unsatiable desires, not only makes one dissatisfied forever, but also diverts one’s life into a dark path of total dissolution.

Maximum loss of vital energy and mental energy occurs in sexual indulgence and eroticism. A thorough and sincere practice of Brahmacharya is therefore considered a very important part of self-control (Sanyam). Jesus Christ remained a Brahmachari throughout his life. Many great saints, philosophers, scientists and other talented personalities in India and abroad have set shining examples of ‘glorious lives’ by practicing Brahmacharya.

Noted biologist Dr. M.D. Crown has observed, one who is devoted to the practice of Brahmacharya would not fall sick; the functioning of his or her digestive system and metabolism remain perfect even in old age and he or she enjoys a long, healthy and youthful life. A distinguished American naturopath, Dr. B. Lusta, states that, the extent and regularity of Brahmacharya indeed gives the potential for significantly important activities in life.
Great saints and social reformers like Swami Ramteerth and Yogi Aurobindo have analysed the spiritual and scientific effects of Brahmacharya. Their findings are summarized below: The upward movement of oil in a lamp helps the conversion of oil into light upon ignition. Similarly, the upward movement (through the Susumna Nadi in the spinal cord) of the vital energy of Virya (the source and medium for the existence of sperm or ovum) in a Brahmachari leads to the conversion of this energy into Ojas (over all brilliance). Thus, the omnipotent (though latent) energy of Virya, which otherwise goes waste through stimulation and discharge during sexual intercourse ( or equivalent excitation of the genital organs due to erotic thinking), not only remains preserved by a sincere and successful practice of Brahmacharya but also enriches the body, mind and Prana(life) of the Brahmachari by tremendous potential and super natural abilities.

Ancient Indian experts (Yogis and philosophers) state that at the time of birth, major amount of Virya is present in the upper, central part inside the brain of the child. This is the reason why a child’s nature is pure like that of a mystic of the highest order and the period of childhood resemble a blissful state of a truly spiritual life.

The power of Virya in an infant grows rapidly if he or she is tenderly fed upon the natural foods like the mother’s milk (supplemented by the milk of cow or goat in case the mother’s milk is not available in sufficient quantity). As the child grows, the quantity and the type of food would change; extra precaution is needed in maintaining the purity in his or her food and the surrounding atmosphere. Balanced quantities, in natural form, of various vegetables, sprouted cereals, fruits and milk provide a nourishing food to the body of a child. However, of far more importance is, the development of a child in an appropriately sacred environment and the inculcation of refined Sanskaras (the basic elements of one’s inner personality) during the formative period of childhood.

The Gurukul tradition of the ancient Indian social system was ideal in the above regard, where a child at the age of 5 years used to be sent to the Ashram of a Guru for righteous training and education for the next 20 years. The span of time (from the age of five to twenty five years) spent in the Gurukul used to be most important from the production and upward movement of the energy of Virya because Brahmacharya was practiced by every disciple in a natural and ideal way during this period in the Gurukul. The initial phase of human life was therefore termed as the Brahmacharya Ashram in the ancient scriptures on Indian social system. The age group specified by the great Rishis (Indian sages of yore) for this phase of life is also remarkable in view of the further given scientific facts:

During the age group of about nine to twelve years the power of Virya (Semen) comes down from the brain and spread upto the inner centre behind the throat and gives rise to puberty. It is at this age that the curiosity and/or attraction for the opposite sex would begin to occur in the child’s mind. Unless supported by appropriate training or psychological back ground, even co-education might cause negative effects in the immature minds in some cases. As mentioned earlier, a thorough observance of Brahmacharya till the age of 25 years or above ensure good health and energetic life. The pleasure of physical sex indulgence is momentary and amounts to colossal loss of vital energy. Long lasting joy can be enjoyed in every action of life if the Virya is cautiously preserved and protected by Brahmacharya and is allowed to spread its energy in the entire body through the natural biological process.

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