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Thursday, April 9, 2015

IIT - A Dream and a Reality

Every year, lakhs of hopeful aspirants give entrance tests conducted for admission into these  prestigious institutes called Indian Institute of Technology, popularly known as IITs. But, only a very few are lucky and fortunate enough to get admission. Chetan Bhagat ( The prince of Indian novel writing ) also said in his novel - 'Five Point Someone', that half of the trees on earth are being cut down every year for IIT guides.

Well, If you ask any aspirant who have cleared the entrance about his/ her success tips. He/ she will surely say - 'Oh! I have taken coaching from this & this institute. I have studied for only a few hours, I played football, cricket, badminton, tabla, flute, piano. I used to go to malls, movie theatres, read novels very often and blah!blah!blah. Some achievers try to behave very intellectually. They say - ' During my preparation, I knew only one thing that there is no substitute for hard work & there are no shortcuts to success. This & this teacher helped me clearing my doubts. I used to have regular classes at school and coaching. My brother or sister helped me a lot. I used to think IIT, eat IIT, drink IIT, sleep IIT, walk IIT, IIT, IIT...only IIT.

Some others are busy among childish discussion like - OMG! That boy or girl has cracked IIT. What a person he/ she is. He/ she is God on earth. There is nobody like him/ her. There will not be a single company which will not accept him/ her. A bright future and plenty of job opportunities. He/ she must be very intelligent and talented. Cracking IIT is not an easy task. You have to study for 18 hours every day. You have to gone through this & this books, detach yourself from outside world. Lock yourself in a room and throw the key. You have to do this & this.

Well, this is all bullshit...

It is true that IITs are tough to crack but, they are not that much tough. It requires an impressive amount of hard work and mind control. See, whether you believe it or not, it is a mind game and deals with conserving all the powers of mind.

Let me give you six keys for your success in cracking IITs or other entrance exams. These are:

(It includes all methods of improving focus, concentration, memory, will power, food, yoga etc)

Right selection of books
(No need of studying tons of books)

Right selection of teachers or faculty.
(It is always told that experience is the most important thing but teaching techniques, ability to explain difficult concepts to students easily and teaching stress free without any tension requires to be analyzed also. There is a lot of difference between studying and teaching. People who can study themselves nicely cannot teach you perfectly.)

Support from family
(Including your parents, brother, sister, friends & relatives.)

Clearance of concepts & doubts
(Don't just rely on memory and formulae revision only )

Hard work and stress free study
(Don't take too much tension)

Often, it is seen that the character of students coming to IITs is not good. In other words, they are technical fools. Ok, you yourself think, since the establishment of IITs, how many passed out IITians are serving society, country and how many are popular enough to be called IITians in right way. Out of thousands pass outs every year, only a handful become useful for society, country, environment, science and technology.

Yet, IITians are treated like Gods. Actually, they are the people who can cheat others in a better way and can make money for themselves or their companies.

Every year, crores of rupees are spent on IITians and their development. So, it is the duty of every IITian to work for India and spread Indian culture. IITians should be identified as messengers of Indian culture, simple & wise rather than just egoistic creatures.

IITians are International citizens but there is a relationship between them and their people. It is every IITian's duty to work for their people. Youngsters see IITians as their  role models. Hence, it is not good that IITians imitate western principles and philosophy.

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